Where Was Passengers (2008) Movie Filmed

1. Filming Locations of Passengers - MovieLoci.com

  • Where was filmed movie Passengers, cast Anne Hathaway ... Davis. Movie was filmed in 2008, countries of filming locations are United States, Canada.

  • Where was filmed movie Passengers, cast Anne Hathaway, Patrick Wilson, David Morse, William B. Davis. Movie was filmed in 2008, countries of filming locations are United States, Canada.

2. Passengers | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Therapist Claire Summers (Anne Hathaway) receives an assignment by her mentor to counsel the five survivors of a plane crash.

  • Therapist Claire Summers (Anne Hathaway) receives an assignment by her mentor to counsel the five survivors of a plane crash. She feels particularly drawn to Eric (Patrick Wilson), the most-secretive of the group. Against her judgment, she becomes romantically involved with him, just as the other survivors mysteriously start to disappear. Believing that Eric knows more than he is telling, she vows to find the truth, no matter the outcome.

3. Passengers (film) | Sony Pictures Entertaiment Wiki - Fandom

4. Where was Passengers filmed - MovieLoci.com

  • Filming locations of the movie Passengers on the map. Cast: Anne Hathaway ... 2008. Countries where was the movie filmed are United States, Canada.

  • Filming locations of the movie Passengers on the map. Cast: Anne Hathaway, Patrick Wilson, David Morse. The movie was filmed in 2008. Countries where was the movie filmed are United States, Canada.

5. Passengers filming locations - MovieMaps

6. Passengers (2008) - The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • After a plane crash, a young therapist, Claire, is assigned by her mentor to counsel the flight's five survivors.

  • After a plane crash, a young therapist, Claire, is assigned by her mentor to counsel the flight's five survivors. When they share their recollections of the incident -- which some say include an explosion that the airline claims never happened -- Claire is intrigued by Eric, the most secretive of the passengers.

7. Film: Passengers (2008) - House Church Central

  • Passengers (2008) House Church Central Goes to the Movies. TriStar Pictures film directed by Rodrigo Garcia, screenplay by Ronnie Christensen.

  • TriStar Pictures film directed by Rodrigo Garcia, screenplay by Ronnie Christensen

8. Passengers (2008) (Film) - TV Tropes

  • Afterlife Angst: At the end, it turns out that they didn't really survive, and all of them (including the grief counselor, who was also on the plane) are in the ...

  • Passengers is a 2008 American psychological thriller film directed by Rodrigo Garcia, starring Anne Hathaway and Patrick Wilson. Claire Summers (Anne Hathaway) is a grief counselor who's been assigned by her mentor, Perry Jackson (Andre Braugher …

9. Passengers Reviews - Metacritic

  • If you are looking for an intense-shocking thriller with a great twist in the end this movie is not your thing. Not that it's an awful film but it's not as good ...

  • After a plane crash, a young therapist, Claire, is assigned by her mentor to counsel the flight's five survivors. When they share their recollections of the incident -- which some say include an explosion that the airline claims never happened -- Claire is intrigued by Eric, the most secretive of the passengers. Just as Claire's professional relationship with Eric -- despite her better judgment -- blossoms into a romance, the survivors begin to disappear mysteriously, one by one. Claire suspects that Eric may hold all the answers and becomes determined to uncover the truth, no matter the consequences. (Sony Pictures)

Where Was Passengers (2008) Movie Filmed


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