Summary Of Escape From New York (1981) Movie

1. Escape From New York | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell), a former Special Forces soldier turned criminal, is recruited to retrieve the president in exchange for his own freedom. Content ...

  • In 1997, a major war between the United States and the Soviet Union is concluding, and the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a giant maximum security prison. When Air Force One is hijacked and crashes into the island, the president (Donald Pleasence) is taken hostage by a group of inmates. Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell), a former Special Forces soldier turned criminal, is recruited to retrieve the president in exchange for his own freedom.

2. Escape from New York | Snake Plissken Wiki - Fandom

  • Synopsis · Cast

  • Escape from New York is a 1981 speculative fiction film directed by John Carpenter, written by Carpenter and Nick Castle. "In 1988, the crime rate in the United States rises four hundred percent. The once great city of New York becomes the one maximum security prison for the entire country. A fifty-foot containment wall is erected along the New Jersey shoreline, across the Harlem River, and down along the Brooklyn shoreline. It completely surrounds Manhattan Island. All bridges and waterways are

3. Classic Movie Review : Escape from New York (1981) - Dead End Follies

4. Escape From New York (1981) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM

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  • Watch TCM is the convenient way to watch great classic films when you want, where you want uncut, commercial free... and it's absolutely free.

5. Escape from New York | SBIFF - Santa Barbara International Film Festival

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  • Dear Cinephiles,

6. RETRO REVIEW: “Escape from New York” (1981) | - Keith & the Movies

  • Mar 1, 2023 · John Carpenter's 1981 sci-fi action classic “Escape from New York” has tickled me by being set in the “near-future dystopia of 1997”.

  • For years now John Carpenter’s 1981 sci-fi action classic “Escape from New York” has tickled me by being set in the “near-future dystopia of 1997”. Here we are in 2023 and it’s still amusing to loo…

7. Someone Remake "Escape from New York," Please | Far Flungers

  • Dec 2, 2013 · “Escape from New York ” starts with a night in the life of the prison as some fugitives try to escape on a raft and get blown to smithereens. We ...

  • Gerardo Valero sees the potential for a good remake in "Escape from New York."

8. Escape from New York | Action Movies Wiki | Fandom

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  • Escape from New York is a 1981 American science fiction action film co-written, co-scored, and directed by John Carpenter. The film is set in a then-near future 1997 in a crime-riddenUnited States that has converted Manhattan Island in New York City into a maximum security prison. Ex-soldier Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) is given 22 hours to find the President of the United States, who has been captured by prisoners after the crash of Air Force One. Carpenter wrote the film in the mid-1970s as a

9. Escape from New York Summary, Trailer, Cast, and More - Screen Rant

  • John Carpenter takes on the role of writer, composer, and director in Escape from New York, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi film where a large portion of New York ...

  • Escape from New York: plot summary, featured cast, reviews, articles, photos, and videos.

10. Escape from New York – The Official John Carpenter

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  • It is 1997 and a nearly destroyed New York City has become a walled prison for over 3 million convicted criminals who have lost, but survived, a brutal war against the United States Police Force. In this maximum security prison-city, escape has been made impossible – every bridge is mined and walled, the surrounding waters are filled with deadly electricity and the Statue of Liberty has become just another guard tower from which officers in infra-red goggles blast, on sight, any prisoners desperate enough to try to get out. Radar scanners revolve and helicopters circle the island of Manhattan endlessly. Other than the monthly food drops made by air into Central Park these outcasts are left completely on their own to prey on each other.

Summary Of Escape From New York (1981) Movie


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.