Big Brother Rule Book (2025)

Big Brother Rule Book (1)

Welcome to the Pinoy Big Brother house!

Big Brother invites you to live together with other people in a house filled with cameras and ambient microphones. You will be the centre of a unique television program. Life in the Big Brother house is an extraordinary experience and the rules in this book are what will create this extraordinary experience. Read the book carefully because it will give you lots of good ideas about how to best prepare for your time in the house. Big Brother is much more than a television show. In the years since its first broadcast, it has become a worldwide phenomenon, one that relies on a tightly- structured format. It follows some simple principles.

They are that:
1. Housemates must follow Big Brother at all times.
2. The lifestyle is isolated from the outside world.
3. Everything that happens in the house and garden is filmed, 24 hours a day.
4. The nomination process evicts people from the house.
5. A housemate cannot connive or influence other Housemates to nominate or vote for a certain housemate
6. Three violations of any of the house rules will mean eviction or automatic nomination for the housemate.
7. Any grave violation will also mean eviction or automatic nomination for the housemate.
8. Big Brother reserves the right to change or adjust the rules in this book as deemed necessary.
9. All decisions made by Big Brother are always final and irrevocable. Big Brother depends on you adhering to a strict set of rules and conditions.

Listed below are the things you can and cannot do in the Big Brother house. Big Brother expects you to comply with these rules and reminds housemates that failure to do so could mean you being asked to leave the house immediately.


Your arrival at the house will be filmed as part of a two-hour launch show where you will be introduced to the Big Brother audience. The on-cam interviews made on you, which will be part of the video portraits will also be broadcast in this program.


When you arrive at the hotel, you will be given your Big Brother suitcase. You will be asked to pack this suitcase and on Saturday morning, it will be taken away and checked. If there is anything in the cases that is not allowed in the Big Brother house, it will be taken out and returned to you after you leave the house.The suitcase won’t be returned to your room, so you have to take out what you need for the LAUNCH SHOW. The person who accompanies you can take these items home or Big Brother will look after them for you.


All housemates of the Big Brother house can bring one suitcase and one small bag (provided by Big Brother). You can pack clothing, shoes and toilet things in the small bag. You may also bring other personal luxuries and photos of loved ones. All suitcases are the same size for all housemates and Big Brother checks the suitcases before entering the house. An inventory of each suitcase is made; if a housemate leaves the house, all belongings that were brought in have to be taken back out. Nothing can be left behind!



  • CDs, CD players, radios, iPod, iPad
  • Walkmans, DVD/Blu-Ray players, televisions
  • Mobile phones, Smart phones
  • Computers, Laptops, PDA’s e.g.: Palm Pilot
  • Video game consoles, Computer games
  • Calendars
  • Diaries
  • Pen and paper or any writing materials
  • Eyeliner or any other make-up that could be used for writing.
  • Alarm clocks
  • Watches
  • Any electronic equipment requiring batteries
  • Weapons, drugs and narcotics
  • Medication (except for agreed personal medication in consultation with Big Brother)
  • Clothes with prominent logos, clothes with fine stripes or dots, silk clothes, solid white clothes.)


  • Cigarettes / cigars / tobacco
  • Reading material, either a book or magazine.
  • Moisturising cream
  • Shaving foam, deodorant, shower lotion, pack of razor blades
  • Day cream, night cream and eye cream
  • One cleansing lotion. Cleansing tonic.
  • Perfume or after shave
  • Hairspray/ gel hair conditioner and wax
  • Lip balm

Big Brother will provide toothpaste, soaps, shampoo, conditioners, sunblock, insect spray, panty liners, sanitary napkins and feminine wash. Some of these products are sponsored and will be the only ones allowed inside the house. All housemates are required to use these products and should refrain from mentioning competitive brands. In the case of chillers, only the products corresponding to the brand on the chiller can be stored. Housemates should not put other products in a branded chiller. Any additional items needed must be purchased out of the weekly budget.


The housemates are welcome to bring into the house a musical instrument, but only one that does not require amplification. Any hobby that doesn’t require electricity can be brought in if it is cleared beforehand by Big Brother.



The following furniture and soft furnishings, within the confines of the Big Brother House should not be moved at anytime:

  • Sofas
  • Beds
  • Kitchen table
  • Confession room chair
  • Bedroom Pillows / comforters
  • Garden furniture
  • Gym equipment (except free weights)

The bathroom contains a sink and a shower-area. There is one toilet and one shower room. For safety reasons, the door to the toilet cannot be locked. However, there is a sign on the door indicating when someone is using the toilet. There is a camera in the shower and in the toilet. There will be a designated shower time each day. Each housemate is given only 5 minutes to shower and 15 minutes to dress up after taking a bath. Only one housemate is allowed to shower at a time.


There is a gym area in the house where you can exercise and lift weights. You can not move the equipment here except for free weights which you may use near the area. You must return the free weights on their designated areas after use.

Each bedroom contains cameras and one microphone next to every bed. The bedroom can also be filmed from cameras hidden behind the mirrored walls. The doors to the bedroom can not be locked at all times. The cabinets in the bedrooms can only be used for their intended purpose, that is, to keep your personal belongings and clothing. You are not allowed to go and hide inside the cabinets.

The Confession Room is the only room in the house where housemates can communicate with Big Brother and vice versa. It’s here that you can disclose your personal feelings and observations about other house members. It’s also where Big Brother can speak to housemates about house issues. The Confession Room is also used for informing Big Brother about a voluntary exit, joint calls and emergencies. All nominations for eviction will be made in the Confession Room, housemates may be summoned to the Confession Room if Big Brother feels that there is an issue that needs to be discussed in more depth. Failure to appear in the Confession Room when requested by Big Brother could result in disqualification. Big Brother will give you just five (5) minutes to respond to his call. Big Brother is the only person who communicates with you, no personal names just Big Brother. The room can only be entered if no one else is in the room (a light will indicate this), unless Big Brother instructs otherwise. If you want to enter the Confession Room you press an electronic buzzer. The door opens electronically when Big Brother is ready to let you in, it could take a while, so please have patience. Once you are in the Confession Room it is important, that for your own privacy, you turn off your microphone. Once you leave the Confession Room please be sure to turn on your microphone again. You will enter the Confession Room for the following things.

  • Nomination
  • Voluntary exit
  • To open up your heart
  • Emergencies
  • Bg Brother calls you in for a talk
  • Private counselling from a psychologist

It is permitted for more than one housemate to be in the room. The Confession Room is the only place where you can speak to Big Brother. You cannot communicate through the cameras in the house. If you try there will be no response from Big Brother.

Everything you and the other housemates will need is in here. There are tools for the small chores in and around the house and some dry goods, which will last for one week. A select supply of staples (bread, rice, eggs, vegetables, etc) will also be stored here. Only Big Brother can open the door to the storage room and this will happen for fifteen minutes a day. During this time, the housemates will only get items needed for the day. There is an electronic lock preventing housemates from opening the door at other times. Games and materials for the tasks will also be delivered to this room. You may not use this as an extra opportunity to collect food.

The altar is a special spiritual place in the Big Brother house where you can contemplate, read the Bible or other spiritual materials, and pray. You are not allowed to hangout and conduct other activities in the area. Keeping the place solemn is the rule.

The housemates have to water and maintain the plants in the garden. The housemates should also clean the camera windows every morning, especially when it rains.

You are not at any time permitted to climb onto the roof of the Big Brother House or to climb on to any other structure within the confines of the Big Brother House. You cannot communicate with people outside the perimeter fence. If you choose to ignore this rule you could be disqualified and asked to leave by Big Brother.

Cameras and microphones make sure there is no privacy in the Big Brother House. Cameras film the housemates 24 hours a day. There are fixed mini-cameras in every room, including the shower and toilet. All rooms are fully illuminated at all times except for the bedrooms where the lights can be switched off at night, and only at night. Infrared cameras, which can film in the dark, are installed in the bedroom. Discretion will be used, but Big Brother reserves the right to broadcast anything. Other cameras in the house are clearly visible and some of those can be remote-controlled.

You are FORBIDDEN to use these visible cameras to:
1.relay messages to Big Brother to anyone outside the Big Brother house to anyone in the production staff

Everyday, you are required to clean the one-way mirrors through which we film and we will provide the appropriate cleaning fluids for this. Cameras in the toilet and bathroom are for security reasons. Footage from the toilet and bathroom will be broadcast if Big Brother deems it necessary.

Housemates must wear their radio-mics at all times, except when they sleep or when they are in the swimming pool, shower and spa. When you remove your mic in these places you must leave it in a specified place. Housemates are required to change their lapel mic batteries everytime they are asked to do so. New batteries for the lapel mics will be placed in the Storage Room each day.

If you attempt to communicate without the cameras or microphones recording the communications such as:

  • covering or tampering with microphones or cameras
  • writing secret messages
  • mouthing of words off camera
  • whispering to each other
  • talking under hidden places like beddings, tables and beds

The above mentioned are considered violations. Big Brother may disqualify the housemate or housemates involved. When you communicate with Big Brother in the Confession Room you must first turn off your microphone. Forgetting to turn on the microphone, deliberately or not, is an offense. Big Brother only gives you 30 seconds to remember to turn on your mic. Committing this offense will be considered a violation, and may put you up for automatic nomination. Make sure your lapel microphones are not covered at all times, keep pillows and cushions away from the microphones.

In addition to the select staple food provided, the housemates of the Big Brother house will also get a budget to buy all other food and luxury goods. The budget will be available to purchase items. At the end of the week, you have to do the shopping for the entire week. All groceries must be bought at that one time and not sporadically. You will always order your shopping on the Friday (or any day as per Big Brother) for the following week. You cannot save money. You must spend all of it each week or you lose it.


The basic budget of the house will be P500.00 per person per week for every person in the Big Brother House. You will be provided with a select staple that you can use the entire week.


  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Bread
  • Vegetables
  • Milk
  • Bananas
  • Eggs, Etc

You do not have to buy the following products with the budget:

  • Salt, Sugar, Coffee
  • Oil
  • Condiments (Patis, Toyo, Suka)
  • Cleaning Products
  • Sanitary Napkins and Panty Liners
  • Toiletries (soap & shampoo)

Please note: If the products are gone before that time, they will NOT be given an extra delivery. However, you can purchase these with your weekly budget. Keep an eye on the supplies.


You can increase the budget by winning the weekly task. It will be all or nothing. The passing or failing of this assignment means you win or lose the whole amount. If you win the weekly task, you will get the full amount allocated for your budget. BUT, if you lose the weekly task then you will get nothing. You will have to survive the week with the select staple food that will be given to you. The budget will be adjusted each week as each housemate leaves.


There will be a designated time for cooking and eating. You will be given 1 hour to prepare, cook and eat your food. Big Brother will inform you if you can start cooking your meal and he will also tell you when your time is up. You cannot cook or eat (except for snacks) outside this time.


The budget was consciously kept to a minimum in order to stimulate you and the other housemates to use the budget as sensibly as possible. You may be tempted to spend more money than you should on luxuries, but in doing so you may run short of food. Big Brother wants you to live in the most environmentally friendly way. Big Brother puts you in a world where life’s little luxuries have a much higher price and have to be earned. You decide how you will do that.


Housemates enter the Big Brother House voluntarily. They can leave the house in three ways. They may be nominated and evicted. They can leave of their own free will. Or, in extreme cases, Big Brother could decide to disqualify them from the program. If they leave voluntarily, they have to report to the Confession Room and give their reasons. They must also give Big Brother time to prepare for their exit. They must also appear on our weekly live show to discuss it. The housemate gets enough time to say goodbye, pack their belongings and leave.


A new housemate may be called in to replace any person who leaves voluntarily or who has been disqualified by Big Brother. This replacement could be a former housemate who had previously been evicted.

When this happens, and when a new person comes in, the following rules apply:

  • The current housemates cannot ask any questions about the outside world.
  • The new housemate cannot report any news about the outside world.
  • The current housemates have to help the new housemates acclimatize to their new and strange environment.
  • The new housemate will not receive the full prize money. His/Her cash prize will be computed based on the length of stay in the Big Brother house. -The new housemate is exempt from the next nomination round.


Another way to leave the house is through the voting-out-procedure.

1. A housemate cannot refuse to nominate
2. In the Confession Room, the housemate nominates the two people they believe should leave the house.
3. They give one of the people they have nominated one point and the other one two points. You may not give one housemate three points.
4. A housemate may not nominate himself or herself.
5. You must give a reason why you nominated each person.
6. The voting has to be sport and fair. You are not allowed to plot against a fellow housemate. If you do, you are in breach of your contract.
7. You may not throw a dice, draw straws or use any kind of game to select your eviction nominees.
8. If a housemate refuses to make a nomination, they must leave the house, but this counts as a voluntary exit, not an eviction.
9. At the end, the housemates with the highest points are up for eviction. For example, four people could each receive four points. They would all then be up for eviction.
10. No one is allowed to talk about the nominations outside the Confession Room. Implied and indirect discussions about the nominations (wanting to nominate an unidentified person with a distinct description, etc.) is also forbidden. Big Brother reserves the right to declare a nomination round invalid. The results of the nominations (i.e. the names of those with the most points) will be announced to the housemates and viewers a couple of hours later. By voting, internet and SMS, the viewers will finally decide who can stay. The result of this vote will be made public in the live show on eviction nights and the housemate who was voted out will leave the house on that same evening. This housemate will get enough time to gather his/her things and to say goodbye.


Every Sunday, the housemates get a weekly assignment they have to accomplish together. After reading the assignment, the housemates have to decide how they will perform the assignment.


On Sunday the housemates receive the assignment of the week. This will be read out loud by one of the housemates, so that it is clear to everybody. The assignments will have physical and psychological elements that will last the whole week. All the materials you need will be placed in the storage room. By Friday, the assignment has to be accomplished. In addition to the weekly tasks, Big Brother will also set shorter challenges some of which are compulsory, and some which are optional, in order to win smaller, group or individual prizes. If a task is deemed compulsory, any participant refusing to take part may be ejected. The rules of all tasks are non-negotiable. Big Brother will also set discussion topics for the group and small one-off games for them to play. Again, if these games are deemed compulsory all participants must take part or they become eligible for eviction.


There are tasks/assignments which are sponsored by clients. All housemates are required to participate in these activities. However, should there be instances where some housemates are endorsers of the competing brand of the sponsor, Big Brother has the option to exclude these housemates. But housemates should keep in mind not to make fun, malign or make derogatory remarks about the sponsors/clients.


There is no privacy in the Big Brother house. The cameras can see everything. There is a camera in the toilet, and the door cannot be locked. There is a camera in the bathroom. There are infrared cameras in the bedrooms that can also film in the dark. Bedroom doors should never be locked as well. In short, Big Brother is always watching. The reason for the presence of the cameras is not only because of the concept of the program, but also because of security reasons. This is also why the toilet and the bedroom doors cannot be locked. The only place where the housemates have privacy is the Confession Room, which can be automatically locked. Here, there are also cameras and Big Brother is also watching.


The program will be broadcast daily on ABS-CBN, Big brother updates throughout the day on ABS-CBN. There will be a 24/7 channel on cable and broadcasts in Studio 23. You are not allowed to ask Big Brother any questions about how you are being shown on the television nor to any other people/guests that will come inside the house.


Big Brother will also be broadcast on the Internet. Cameras feed the Internet 24 hours a day. The images on the Internet have the same rules as the images on television. The images of the toilet and the Confession Room will not be broadcast on the Internet, unless your actions in either of these rooms is contrary to their normal usage. You are not allowed to ask Big Brother any questions about how you are being shown on the Internet.


The Pinoy Big Brother house promotes cleanliness and hygiene. We are strongly encouraging the housemates to practice waste management through the proper segregation of waste products inside the house.

Please be guided by the following:

  • All waste products used by the housemates should be segregated into three kinds and thrown into their proper waste bins.
  • The waste bins are properly labelled and should be used accordingly. Plastic bags should properly line the waste bins and waste should be put inside the plastic bags.
  • Each night, the housemates should properly knot the plastic bags before going to sleep for proper disposal.
  • The wastes are divided into the following categories:
    • 1.Biodegradable products: Fruit peels/vegetables/fish intrails/chicken and pork bones/eggshells/ Spoilt food/animal wastes/grass/twigs/branches/flowers
    • 2.Recyclable products: Paper/carton boxes/glass/metals/plastic containers
    • 3.Non-recyclable/non-biodegradable: Sanitary napkins/diapers/rags/ceramics/candywrap and other wrappers/ Styrofoam materials


  • In making coffee or tea, use stirrer instead of teaspoons so as to avoid unnecessary noise.
  • The television set may not be turned on unless instructed by Big Brother.
  • The remote control of the TV set may not be played with once handed over to the housemates.
  • Smoking is absolutely prohibited inside the house.
  • Cleanliness is important inside the Big Brother house and each housemate is responsible in maintaining the cleanliness.
  • Housemates should not move or deface any of the artworks inside the Big Brother house.


You have to obey the orders of Big Brother at all times. This is for your own safety. All housemates will be given a written plan for emergencies before they enter the house, which is included in this rulebook. They should read this and become familiar with the house emergency procedures. If Big Brother asks occupants to move to a particular room they must do so immediately. In the event of an emergency housemates will be advised how to react by Big Brother who will speak to them over the public address system. The housemates must obey the orders of Big Brother at all times for their own safety, failure to do so may result in eviction. The door to the house will be remotely locked, but can be opened at a moment’s notice.


Any Housemate who becomes violent will be removed from the house immediately.


In case of an accident, there is always a first-aid kit available for use by the housemates. The Confession Room is 'open' 24 hours a day, and can always be visited to indicate that medical help is needed. If a Doctor, Nurse or Dentist is required for minor treatments, they will enter the house and treat the patient in the Confession Room. If a Housemate needs hospital treatment, Big Brother will judge whether the housemate may return to the house. If a hospital visit is necessary, a member of the production team will accompany the Housemate to ensure that there is minimal contact with the outside world. In cases where a housemate has to be hospitalised, Big Brother will have to impose the 24-hour rule. That is, if the housemate is not able to return to the Big Brother House within 24 hours due to health considerations or otherwise, he or she will have to be forced evicted. A Psychologist will be available to all the housemates for counselling, either on request or more, if Big Brother feels it is necessary. Counselling sessions will not be filmed or listened to by Big Brother. Although we will not breach client confidentiality, the Psychologist working with Big Brother will feed back to Big Brother to make them aware of any issues or vulnerabilities of the housemates. There will also be support for housemates once they have left the house.


In the event of any emergency, housemates will be advised how to act by Big Brother speaking over a PA system. The housemates must obey the orders of Big Brother at all times for their own safety. There will be fire extinguishers in the house, which may be used by housemates to extinguish small fires. In case of a serious fire hazard, housemates are instructed to go into the garden and Big Brother will advise further.


It is possible that people try to reach the house unannounced. This can be done in different ways. Always wear your microphone so Big Brother can hear you at all times. You should consider the Big Brother house as your house – you would not want to have strangers in it. If there are uninvited guests around the house, Big Brother will ask you to go to the Confession Room or storage room immediately. Always follow the instructions from Big Brother. Always ignore and never acknowledge people shouting from outside the Big Brother house. Communicating with these people is considered a violation and will merit a consequence and may eventually lead to an automatic nomination.


The audition and screening process that every housemate has gone through is strictly confidential and should not be discussed, in any manner, inside the house. You must not mention anything about the processes you went through, the people you have met during the said processes, and names of the production staff and technical people you may have met and known, including the producers and the story editors.

Big Brother Rule Book (2025)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.